Wednesday, December 31, 2008

My 1st blog!!fuuuyooo

vavava!!i am actually writing my first blog!!i can't believe i have my own blog..this is due to i am not a 'techno' person!!

my name is fatin zawani binti haji zainal azaim..i am 24 years old..a bit older than the rest but younger than vincent ungko (yeah ben you are older than me!) and same age as hazel..i was born in MAy 10th 1984 and i am from ipoh, perak!!

to be honest i am not that good when dealing with all this technology stuff but i've been wanting to learn about it..(yeah right!)i have very basic knowledge and skill of computers but not ashamed to admit it!!i guess this is just not my 'area'....its a good thing that we have this tsl641 well now people at least i have a blog!!not so left behind anymore..yeay!!

we already have questions to answer for this class..tough for me because its related to computer!!

What computer software you know how to utilize?
i am such a MISS OFFICE..i guess that's all i know..but if i can remeber something else i'll put it up here..i guess i will be updating MY BLOG!!

What computer hardware skills and knowledge do you have?
does knowing how to turn on and off your laptop can be considered as hardware skills?because that is all i know..owh yea..i know how to install certain things..other than that i usually send my laptop to those that were born to be an expert in this area...

What computer / Internet activities do you have and/or oftenly engaged in? e.g download songs, upload videos
i have friendster and facebook...i love to search information on the internet (love?)..i upload lots of things from internet an that is why i have so many viruses..but hey that is why anti-virus was invented!!duh!!